Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Day Is Here

The day is finally here. In less than 11 hours I will be meeting at school to get the bus to drive down to JFK airport in NYC. Once we get there we get to wait around until 6am to get our flight to Atlanta, GA and get our connecting flight to Belize City. The total flight time is around 6 hours and we have a one hour layover in Atlanta.

I'm really excited and extremely nervous. It will be interesting living with people I've never met before. It was somewhat difficult to find them all gifts because I didn't know them. I ended up getting coloring books, crayons, hair clips, and a nerf football type thing for the kids; I got the mom two cute kitchen towels and a small candle from Yankee Candle, and I got the father a NY Yankees coffee mug.

I can't believe the day is here already. I remember talking to Vicky about signing up for the class back in April/May and then the class started... and now we're actually going.

It's definitely crazy.

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