Saturday, January 19, 2013

1/15/13 Day 12 Home Visits, Home-Stay Family Time, and Drumming

Today was a pretty good day so far. We did home visits (only did a couple of houses) and most of them just wanted vitamins and their BP checked. None of them really had any problems, except this one little boy that the other group did who had a fever and a cough. After the home visits, we went to this restaurant called Hode’s and got some food and just talked about what we would improve for the next trip that comes down here. It was pretty interesting conversation and the food was delicious. We didn’t end up going to the zoo because about 5 people were home sick and only a couple of us left wanted to go. After Hode’s, we went back to ProWorld and went through what was left and took whatever we thought our host families could use and left the rest of it for the next group.
Tonight we have drumming lessons which should be interesting. Let’s see how bad everyone’s rhythm is haha.
It’s crazy, tonight is the last night that our host families are going to cook for us. I don’t know how I feel about it. It’s sad, but at the same time I’m excited to go home because I miss my friends and family and such. ATM tomorrow should be fun as well. I’m kind of excited just for the fact that we’ll be in the dark most of the day so I won’t have to worry about my sunburn getting worse. I just hope the bugs aren’t bad in there.

Trevor, Hunter, Zach, Stephen, and I


Hunter, Adma, and Sunita

Stephen and David

Sunita and Zahi



Hunter and Adma

Hunter and Stephen

Group picture!

Adma and Zahi
Trevor, David, Zahi, and Zach

Sunita and Zahi


Set up before drumming

 Drumming was very entertaining. We didn't actually learn to drum like I thought we were going to but we got a lesson in Garifuna history which was very interesting. It was nice being able to remember most of it from class and compare what we learned in class to what they were telling us. The guys played a few songs for us, had us get up and dance and move around. We had to do this conga line type thing with certain moves. It was definitely entertaining and I thought it was really cool. Wish I was able to get more video but my camera ended up dying on me.

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