So I left a couple things out of the Vlog that I made before. I know I talked about some of the things I experienced in the clinic but I forgot to mention that we saw someone with a kidney stone, a UTI, and a little boy who had a burn on his leg from standing too close to a motorcycle. The boy did this two weeks ago and came in to the clinic today to try and see what he should do for it. Dani ended up coming to the rescue with her EMT training and was able to clean it for the kid and put on some antibiotic ointment. We sent the family home with some so they can keep putting it on as time goes on. I know I mentioned it before, but I think the coolest thing I saw was the impetigo. I know it’s really contagious and dangerous but it was really interesting how it looked like it could be just ant bites like the mom said it was or even chicken pox (even though that was ruled out because the back and stomach were clear). I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s clinic. The hardest part was probably the language barrier that happened with a few patients. Many of them spoke Spanish and it was kind of hard to get across what we were trying to ask. At least we had a few translators. One of the really cool things is that I actually got to use my pharmacotherapy book that I bought from amazon. It has a bunch of drugs, what they’re used for, dosing, and any interactions they may have. I had to look up to make sure that when a patient took his atenolol at night as an extra dose (when he felt his BP was too high) that it was okay. He was on 50mg QD so I told him that it was okay (since the max dose is 100mg a day) and that he should talk to his doctor about it to make it official. His BP was still high so I also told him that he may need to switch medications.
While we were on the way back from the clinic, we stopped where the Mopan and Macal rivers meet, where the dirty meets the clear. The bridge we had to cross was obnoxious though and moved with every step. It was wooden supported by wires. Ro ended up jumping on it while Dani and Vicky were on the bridge and they almost tore her head off because Vicky can’t swim and Dani wasn’t too fond of the bridge itself. While we were there we got to see iguanas up in the trees. It was really cool. Hunter got a really good picture that he took through Dr. Hickey’s binoculars. It turned out fantastic.
Tonight after dinner we’re planning on going back to ProWorld to work on these cards we had to fill out (as I stated in the video). We have to put all of the information into an Excel sheet for ProWorld to send to the Ministry of Health to keep records of the people going to the clinics. We each got 4-5 cards to put in so a bunch of us are meeting since they’re emailing us the Excel sheet and we don’t have wifi at our house.
OOH! Another thing that I found out yesterday and today is that the Chinese restaurants here may actually serve dogs. We were told that they will take some stray dogs and yeah. I think I’m going to stay away from the Chinese restaurants while I’m here.
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