Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Final Reflection

So the trip was amazing. I'm extremely happy that I was able to go on this trip and help all of those people. It definitely put my counseling skills to the test and made me appreciate people who are able to speak more than one language. This trip has made me realize that I remember more than I thought I did from all of the modules and classes that I've taken throughout my time at ACPHS. It was crazy to see how expensive vitamins were and that they were the main thing that people wanted. They're able to go to the doctor and get diabetes medications and stuff like that for pretty much free, but they're unable to get something as simple as vitamins. It really puts things into perspective at how young of a country they are and how things are still changing and adapting.
The class that we took before going to Belize was also very helpful. It was nice knowing the history of the country, the customs, and the culture of the people before we went down there. It was extremely interesting to be able to see some of the things we talked about (for example, where the Macal and Mopan rivers meet, or the swing bridge in Belize City).
I really want to thank my host family, Adma Robinson and her 4 children, for letting me stay with them. They were fantastic and I plan on keeping in touch with them. They made me feel right at home and they are genuinely extremely nice people.

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